Pegasus 2-pin ESD Test System
The Thermo Scientific™ Pegasus™ ESD Test System is a low parasitic 2-pin tester which is used to characterize protection structures at wafer, die, or package level. The Pegasus can also be used as part of your device qualification routine, providing supplemental data to the results gathered when using an automated (relay based) high pin count ESD test system. Testing is available to the latest industry standards for Human Body Model (HBM), Machine Model (MM) waveforms, as well as offering a true System Level (150pF/330#8486;) IEC like waveform based on the EOS/ESD Association’s Human Metal model (HMM). The system’s pulse source design and pulse source delivery method ensures waveform fidelity directly at the device under test, not only at the generator output. Current waveforms can be automatically captured and analyzed for each ESD event. In addition, Voltage waveforms can be captured and used to determine the turn-on level of protection structures. They can also be used as a means of failure determination, as the voltage waveforms will generally show changes after ESD events.